Plugin: MT (Google Cloud Translate)

Machine translation provided by Google Cloud Translation.

Provider URL:

Class: LTGear.Flowme.Plugin.MT.Google.V3.Translate

Pipeline Format: XLIFF (MT)

Parameters (all required):

  • ProjectId: Google Project ID. You can get this from Google Cloud Platform or from your service account credentials (.json file)

  • PrivateKeyId: You can get this from your service account credentials generated in Google Cloud Platform (.json file)

  • PrivateKey: You can get this from your service account credentials generated in Google Cloud Platform (.json file)

  • ClientEmail: You can get this from your service account credentials generated in Google Cloud Platform (.json file)

  • ClientId: You can get this from your service account credentials generated in Google Cloud Platform (.json file)

  • ModelId: Translation Model ID (default is general/nmt)

  • Location: Region. Default is ‘global’

For general models apply the following model and location settings:

  • ModelId = ‘general/nmt’ - will use the general NMT model(and falls back to base model if NMT is not available - base model can be also set explicitly if necessary - general/base).

  • Location =’ global’

For AutoML models, open the AutoML UI, then select your model from the list. The model ID is alphanumeric string (usually formatted like TR123456..).